Being a teenager is hard. Think about this, you are invited to a party that’s will happen from pm to am.obviously you would like to go but the only with holding you back is that you have to ask for permission. NO is what you will get in response.You beg and beg and no is still an answer.Of course you’ll make a plan.
Now the real problem or irritating thing is puberty. Your body startes to change, you develop feelings, girls go to menstruation,you just dont recognize yourself as before.

You do something all they say is puberty taking control. Why don’t they say it’s puberty taking control when you start dating?


A 16 year old girl stated that she has started having flash backs about her being raped.

She says that her neighbors she used to play with teases her about how she was foolish to not understand what was going on. All she remembers was that every day she would be called to come and get a banana. She would then get locked in the room and he raped her. What’s so sad about this is that it was his own uncle, her father’s brother. She says she remembers when her uncle slaped her and she said to him,” slap me again and I’ll get the police to arrest you for abuse and rape. “”He immediately asked for forgiveness and said I mustn’t  go around saying that to people, she said.
Her friends advised her to finger herself and check if she’s still a virgin. She did and noticed that not even a little droplet of blood came out.

She says that she has been wondering whether she was raped for sure or is it her imagination.
Her childhood friends also said that they always suspected it because she would come out of the house saying that her vagina  was sore .


Human trafficking is the illegal transportation of human across the world mainly for forced labour, sexual slavery or commercial sexual exploitation for the traffickers.

Research has shown that 80% of trafficked people are women (who are more common to be used as sex slave) and children. Man can also be victims of human trafficking for forced labour.

Victims can be brutally treated or even killed if they don’t follow the instructions of their traffickers. They may develop mental issues as they are abused on a daily basis. Some are kept under drug control so that they cannot escape.

It has come to our knowledge that in order for people to become victims of human trafficking they are usually promised something e.g they may have been promised to be given a job that is worth paying not knowing what kind of work they’ll be doing or may be given a lift home.

One of the way to not become a victim of human trafficking is to try avoiding strangers as they are suspects of traffickers.